A lot has happened on Serverless!☁️🚀👨💻 - Issue #3
Here comes the end of 01/2022, the month has been exciting in the world of Serverless and AWS. I would like to take a moment and thank all the fellow AWS and Serverless enthusiast for their continued support and love!
There are some celebratory news and some new announcements coming your way in this issue. And of-course the brilliant content about Serverless by the community.
Calls for a birthday celebration!! 🎉🥳
If you had missed it out, Amazon DynamoDB turned 10 recently! And Jeremy Daly has beautifully tweeted a "Happy 10th Birthday DynamoDB".
Swami Sivasubramanian, AWS VP who has been one of the authors for the original Dynamo paper and helped launch DynamoDB; now looks back from his time joining as an Intern at Amazon to now how DynamoDB has shaped the way we store data and also mentions about lot of innovations down the way to make DynamoDB more powerful and secure. You can read more about it in Amazon Science's Amazon DynamoDB 10 years later.
Some interesting announcements.
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI now supports local testing of AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), announcement here about the general availability.
DynamoDB which is also known for the PartiQL support now can return the throughput capacity consumed by PartiQL APIs which can help you optimize your queries and throughput costs, you can read more about it here.
If your Lambda functions have event sources such as Amazon MSK, Apache Kafka, Amazon MQ then you may want to look into announcement about Max Batching Window which helps you fine tune your Lambda invocation helping you to optimize on your costs, read more about it here.
And after a long wait, a good news to anyone who uses S3 Web console as AWS have answered the request for generating presigned URLs from the console.
AWS SAs Luca Mezzalira, Laura Hyatt, Vittorio Denti and Zamira Jaupaj have put together a blog post series Let's Architect! for all the builders and architects. Read about Let's Architect! Architecture and Sustainability!
Serverless Framework announces the Serverless Framework v3.
Brilliant content for other builders/developers
Tobias Schmidt has curated and authored a blog post - My Top 10 Free Learning Resources for AWS which certain helps a lot of developers and builders who are just starting their journey on AWS. And also Adam Elmore's Twitter tread provides first time cloud developers a list of accounts they can follow and also some advices. Adit Modi has put together a blog-post series about Introduction to various AWS Topics.
Sandro Volpicella has authored about Cloud Development Kit (CDK) which talks about Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and it's importance and how it's achieved with CDK v2 - AWS CDK Version 2. What is it and Why should we care. Also, Rosius Ndimofor, AWS Serverless Hero has well-built the Twitter thread about Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in practice. This also refers some of his blog posts about CDK, SAM, CDK pipelines and Serverless Framework. Tomasz Łakomy writes about to get started with AppSync APIs with CDK in the blog post Build a GraphQL API with AWS CDK and AppSync.
Sebastian Bille has addressed a major time-consuming problem which any AWS developer could relate to, with respect to going back-and-forth the IAM documentations, now with VS code extension IAM Legend you can all do it on your local IDE.
If you missed The Serverless Panel featuring Benoît Bouré along with Rosius Ndimofor and Ryan Jones on Jan 26th where the topics such as EventBridge use-cases, CI/CD services and differences and how to monorepo were discussed, you can find the recording here.
Lee Gilmore has been writing a 4 part series about Serverless Caching Strategies which talks about caching with API Gateway, DynamoDB DAX, Lambda runtime and AppSync.
Jaymit Bhoraniya writes about Serverless Serverless Orchestration Workflows with AWS Step Functions which uses Serverless Framework and demonstrates different possibilities with Step Functions states. And also Jones Zachariah Noel writes about how Step Functions for making your text based images searchable.
If you want to learn about developing and deploying WebSocket APIs, Allen Helton has authored a 2 part series about it.
To understand how Lambda function worlks, Vadym Kazulkin has authored How AWS Lambda Works Under The Hood
Word from zachjonesnoel
I'm pleased to inform you all that my blogs (dev.to/zachjonesnoel) on Dev.to platform has hit 500+ reactions and with over 35k views. I would like to thank everyone of you for your time as you went through the blog-posts and appreciate more to come in the following days!
With this we wrap it up for Jan of 2022. Like how exciting the month of Jan was, hope there is more in cart for the next days! And until then, happy building on AWS! ☁️🚀👨💻
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