It's Pi Week!! 🥧 - Issue #6
We are celebrating PI Week and also Amazon S3's 16th birthday with that said, yesterday (3-14) famously known as Pi Day, there was a lot of fun filled events and livestreams on Twitch happening.
AWS Announcements
If you were wanted to know how you are impacting the environment by running your workloads on AWS, AWS has launched Customer Carbon footprint tool for customers to get a deeper understanding of their application's Carbon footprint.
For iOS developers who are using Amplify SDK, Amplify has opened up the new Amplify iOS library completely rewritten in Swift.
Amazon DynamoDB has come up with increased default service quotas to simplify the user of large number of tables, so you can now have upto 2500 tables per account per region and 500 management operations per account per region. And if you are using PartiQL for a simplistic SQL based querying for your DynamoDB, the limit request option is now supported for PartiQL operations which can reduce the cost and duration of each request.
Amazon SES now supports CloudFormation templates based resource creation in multiple new regions with resource types - AWS::SES::ConfigurationSet
, AWS::SES::ContactList
, AWS::SES::ConfigurationSetEventDestination
, AWS::SES::Template
in SES available regions. Additionally, AWS::SES::ReceiptFilter
, AWS::SES::ReceiptRule
, AWS::SES::ReceiptRuleSet
in US East (N.Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (Ireland) only.
If you are multiple accounts in your AWS Organization, you can now use the organization ID (aws:PrincipalOrgID
) in the condition element of the Lambda’s resource-based policy which reduces the managerial overhead whenever there is a new account added or account deleted from your AWS Organization.
If you have Amazon Cognito for your application's authorization and authentication, it now supports in-region integration with Amazon SES for all the email based messages and Amazon SNS for all mobile number based notifications.
Interesting content
Michael Tedder explains how Serverless and Stripe integrations works for a ticket sales use-case, this blog-post was also featured by Stripe.
Dheeraj Choudhary with his YouTube video walks-through how to deregister unused AMIs in Account on weekly basis and notify via email with AWS Lambda functions and EventBridge and also explains the same with his blog-post.
Jimmy Dahlqvist has put across beautifully about how API Gateway APIs can be authenticated with Lambda functions in his blog-post.
Ran Isenberg has published The AWS Lambda Cookbook - Elevate your handler's code - Part 3 Business Domain Observability and also Part 4 - Environment variables, both the blog-posts with updated GitHub links for better understanding of the code.
Wendy Wong explains how you could use Amazon Lex v2 for building out automated chatbots for booking a vacation.
Ever wondered if how you can increase development speed and integration testing DynamoDB locally? Lee Gilmore explains in depth about it in his blog post.
Jaymit Bhoraniya has demonstrated how AWS CI/CD works with Serverless applications in the blog-post - AWS CI/CD Pipeline to Deploy a Serverless Framework Project.
Learn about the importance of proper Serverless API design by Allen Helton. Chirag Rathod has published a video tutorial about Amazon HTTP API.
Michael Liendo demonstrates how you can trigger AppSync Subscriptions with EventBridge targets all of it with AWS Amplify.
Kristi Perreault talks about DevOps in Serverless and how to scale a Serverless First initiate inside of your organization.
Sheen Brisals shares his journey with how he kick-started with Serverless with his blog-post My Serverless Cold Start and how I stay warm!
What to expect from Serverless tools?
Jeremy Daly has released a new version of DynamoDB Toolbox v0.4 which makes it easier to work with DynamoDB and DocumentClient.
Serverless Stack has rolled out SST v0.67 which adds a new feature of API explorer.
David Boyne has released EventCatalog 0.2.10 is now out which supports Open APIs.
Eric Johnson had a poll open to understand what's the favorite AWS Serverless service and it's DynamoDB that tops the list! To get a better understanding David Boyne has come up with the chart which represents the responses.

Mark your calendars

Today (March 15th) in Serverless Office hours, Dan Fox along with Eric Johnson are geared up to demo the new SAM CLI feature of TypeScript support.
If you want to learn about Amazon Keyspaces (Apache Cassandra), Arturo Hinojosa, Kirk Kirkconnell, Michael Raney and Laurent Martin are going live on AWS Twitch channel this Thursday 3/17 1PM PT.
AWS Accra User Group is hosting an in-person meetup with Veliswa Boya, Cheikh Mahaman and Rosius Ndimofor Ateh are conducting various Serverless workshops for anyone who wants to get started with AWS Serverless.
Word from the author
I, Jones Zachariah Noel N aka zachjonesnoel am very pleased and honored with the love and support this newsletter is getting from the community!
If you are looking for ways to automate your IAM credential rotation, you can consider Step Functions which can help you rotate your credential and store it back on Secrets Manager, I've authored a blog-post about the same. With Pi Day just over with and promoting the best practices of having private S3 buckets is a good move, with that said; I've authored Step Functions to check if you have public S3 buckets.
I'm also happy to announce that the collaboration with Arshad Zackeriya, we officially streamed an introductory session about Lambda functions on our show "The Zac's Show - Talking AWS"

With this we wrap up first half of March and the second half bracing up for more exciting things! Until next time, happy building on AWS! Go Serverless!!