Love for Serverless ❤️☁️- Issue #4
Serverless building and the love for Serverless is growing nowadays. And with today being Valentine's Day, this issue is dedicated to Serverless love.
In this issue, we will look into some great announcements made by AWS and also the builder's love for Serverless is celebrated with their content and tutorials for other builders to learn.
AWS Announcements
With respect to Serverless, there are some exciting announcements made by AWS.
Anyone working with Step Functions for all their Serverless workflow and orchestration , AWS Step functions announced mocking support for testing workflows locally. Announcement here. Now you can test your flow and state transition of your workflows locally by mocking it.
AWS Lambda functions can now scale automatically for Amazon MSK and self-managed Apache Kafka as event sources. Announcement here.
If you want to perform custom actions on your CloudFormation Stacks, AWS announced the general availability of AWS CloudFormation Hooks.
Interesting content
AWS Lambda Functions is the choice of compute with Serverless. Matt Bacchi authored about Introduction to AWS Lambda for anyone who is getting started with AWS Serverless and Java being one of the popular languages, Ajay Wadhara has a video about how you can use AWS Lambda with Java Programming. Maurice Borgmeier writes about how you can use CDK as your IaC tool and build a solution which can trigger your Lambda functions in sub-mintue intervals. Sonia Manoubi explains how you can Use AWS Chatbot to run your AWS Lambda Function from Slack. Dheeraj Choudhary writes about how Lambda Functions can read JSON files from S3 bucket and write them into DynamoDB.
For anyone who is struggling with large Lambda functions, Lambda layers is your answer to make it simpler and lighter. Sandro Volpicella explains it his blog-post What are AWS Lambda Layers and when should I use them? He also shares how he architected and built Serverless Audio Blogs for Hashnode in his blog post, How We Build Serverless Audio Blogs with AWS on a Scale.
Amazon EventBridge, SNS, SQS helps building a loosely coupled architecture, Guillaume Lannebere explains about how to consider between these services with his blog-post Should we consider migrating to Amazon EventBridge from Amazon SNS + SQS? Jaymit Bhoraniya talks about Amazon EventBridge with Event Patterns and Task scheduling demo.
Maciej Radzikowski puts forth a wonderful Twitter tread about AWS Step Functions overview. And for anyone looking for resources to learn about Step Functions, Dan Ronald, AWS Step Functions PM shares AWS Skillbuilder courses for each module in his tweet.

George Offley published his blog-post about his experience using Amazon API Gateway with Lambda. And for API Gateway resolvers, if you are looking to avoid Lambda functions, then there is a Twitter thread about how to set it up with VTL by MappingTool.
Bart, AWS Sr Technical Trainer gets his love for Dinosaurs into Serverless by building
Alex Kates shares his experience at Credit Genie of scaling a Serverless SaaS platform in AWS.
Everyone needs a monthly expense analyzer about which Vadym Kazulkin writes how he achieved it with S3 triggers and AWS Lambda using CDK. And Taras Slipets writes about Serverless patterns in Kafka-land.
If you are learning about Amazon DynamoDB, Talia Nassi shares a wonderfully structured Amazon DynamoDB Learning path.
What to expect from Serverless tools?
AWS SAM CLI has updated the roadmap on GitHub which has a lot of exciting features and enhancements coming your way. If you have any feedback or queries, Praneeta Prakash would love to hear about it.
David Boyne shares about a feature update in which helps builders to visualize document events and services.
Anyone who would like to update to Serverless V3, Sam Williams has created a video where he talks about the major changes and how to upgrade to Serverless V3.
Mark your calendars
Amazon DynamoDB on the occasion of 10 year anniversary has organized an event A Decade of Innovation with Amazon DynamoDB where DynamoDB experts - Joseph Idziorek, Chad Tindel along with Eric Johnson and AWS Data Hero Alex DeBrie and AWS Serverless Hero Jeremy Daly come and share their experience and journey.
AWS Serverless Hero Jeremy Daly and Rebecca Marshburn on Serverless Chats Episode #124 where Shawn Wang talks about self-provisioning runtimes.
Andrew Brown is hosting a Twitter Space about DynamoDB for Beginners along with AWS Data Hero Alex DeBrie
Word from the author
I, Jones Zachariah Noel N (zachjonesnoel) have created a series of blog-post about Step Functions and it's service SDK integrations. More blog-posts coming your way, comment or DM on Twitter if you are looking for specific states/flows. Also, there is a blog-post about AWS Lambda functions in VPC.
With that, spread the love of Serverless and happy building! 😍☁️🚀 And enjoy Valentine's day!