Serverless in action and Serverless testing! 🚀☁️ - Issue #27
Interesting Serverless in action and the real-world cases with testing
Isn’t it amazing to debunk myths about Serverless while talking about how it performs in production and overcoming the hassles? This issue talks about several cases where we blame Serverless for not meeting our expectations but the reality is different, there are so many instances where Serverless has been a rescue for developers.
And we are also celebrating the new AWS Heroes of 2023.
📢 What's new in AWS Serverless
AWS Lambda Powertools for .NET is now generally available.
AWS Lambda now supports Amazon DocumentDB change streams as an event source.
AWS SAM CLI announces preview of Rust build support.
Code scans for Lambda functions within Amazon Inspector now in preview.
AWS Step Functions Distributed Map is now available in more Regions.
AWS Application Composer is now generally available.
Amazon DynamoDB now supports table deletion protection.
Use S3 Object Lambda with Amazon CloudFront to tailor content for end users.
🚀 AWSome content to learn from
An interesting read for front-end developers who are trying to integrate on AWS Amplify, Matteo Depascale walks through the different things which need to be considered for configuring Amplify authentication with SvelteKit.
Benjamen Pyle explains how filtering and enriching could be off-loaded to EventBridge Pipes while you focus on the business logic in his blog post Streaming AWS DynamoDB to a Lambda via EventBridge Pipes using CDK. And in another blog post, he also walks through a pattern of SNS → SQS → EventBridge Pipes with CDK.
With AppSync supporting JS resolvers, Benoît Bouré explains how we could write reusable code for AppSync JavaScript resolvers with the prerequisites and how the JS resolvers could be tested with AWS CLI.
With AWS Application Composer going GA, Athavan Theivendram sets the context needed for developers which is a pre-requisite to building applications from Application Composer.
For anyone worried about the myths and concerns of Serverless, Hendrik Nehnes’ in defense of Serverless talks about the past when he had to manage/maintain servers during different seasons, and now with Serverless and its capabilities which have made today’s infra maintenance and management seamless.
Folks blame Serverless for introducing latency well, the reality is that you have your resources in a far-off geographical location, learn about it from Allen Helton’s experiment - Location is everything. Allen also shares a tip for Amplify users in his tweet.
Marcin Sodkiewicz shares about the need for SQS partial failures when to use them, and also how one implements and uses them in their architectures with examples and also some key factors to keep in mind.
Have you always thought “How do I test my Serverless app?“ Ran Isenberg has you covered with a Serverless testing blog series where he gives you insights about the guide to testing Serverless and Lambda with best practices and considering the testing pyramid.
Andreas Wittig’s podcast Cloudnaut with Vilius Kukanauskas is about Serverless and DevOps a match made in heaven! With Serverless, the concept of IaC, Pipelines, and Security is all part of the Serverless developer’s plate.

⚒️ What's happening with AWS Serverless tools
Bref 2.0 is released, bref is AWS Lambda with PHP runtimes!
GraphBolt is now available in beta. This has revolutionized the way you develop, test and manage your AppSync APIs.
Introducing Mountpoint for Amazon S3, a high performance open source file client.
Sync in real-time between Step Functions Workflow studio and your local machine sfn-workflow-studio-sync has an update with YAML and JSON toggles.

🗓️ Mark your calendars
AWS UG Mumbai is hosting a series about Security in AWS from March 11th to April 30th, 2023.
Serverless Barcelona hosting Direct integrations, cloudquery and Serverless re:Invent on March 16th, 2023.
AWS UG Perth, Australia is launching a workshop about Alien Attach: A Hands-on Serverless Adventure on March 30th, 2023.
Cloud Builders: Java Conf is happening on March 30th, 2023. Sessions around how Serverless and Java go hand-in-hand!
ServerlessDays are happening -
ServerlessDays Paris 2023 on June 7th, 2023.
ServerlessDays Zurich 2023 on June 22nd, 2023.
ServerlessDays Cardiff 2023 on September 21st, 2023.
AWS Community Days happening -
ACD Hyderabad on March 18th, 2023.
ACD Nordics on April 20th, 2023.
ACD Turkey on May 6th, 2023.
ACD Midwest on June 15th, 2023. CFPs are open until April 19th, 2023.
ACD DACH on September 14th, 2023. CFPs are open until May 15th, 2023.
⭐ Pick of the month
The pick of the month for March is Step Functions and Intrinsic functions.
Learn about Step Functions intrinsic functions in depth by Awedis, where he explains different intrinsic functions with examples and how to use them in a State Machine.
Jones Zachariah Noel (that’s me) for a while has been publishing blogs around Step Functions and Intrinsic functions, the whole series is available here.
👨💻 Word from the author
Congratulations to the new AWS Heroes - Aidan Steele (AWS Serverless Hero), Ananda Dwi Rahmawati (AWS Containers Hero) and Wendy Wong (AWS Data Hero).
Happy Birthday to Amazon S3. It’s 17 years old now and has evolved a lot making it the most used service across all our architectures.
Thanks for the great response to my previous newsletter issues and also blog posts. I’m open to feedback, so feel free to DM me on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Until next time, happy building on Serverless!